Sea & Shore Solutions brings unique experience and skills to the planning and development of marine, coastal, and estuarine policy, while also providing the knowledge and organization to assist with policy development and implementation measures.
Policy Services
Assistance with the development of regulations and rulemaking by facilitating rulemaking advisory committees, drafting policy language, coordinating with commissions, creating maps, etc.
Development of policies that address coastal uses and resources, including the drafting of enforceable policies, as well as preparing and submitting planning documents including comprehensive plans and ordinances.
Facilitation of public processes and outreach associated with rulemaking and planning updates.
In-depth policy analysis to assess perceived and potential outcomes of policy decisions, using both primary and secondary sources.
Implementation of coastal policy through development of signage, outreach materials, educational events, and technical resources.
Science-based assessment of policy outcomes using geospatial analysis, social science, and best available research.
Facilitation of multi-jurisdiction policy making processes and public engagement throughout drafting and implementation.
Process organization and documentation in a transparent and equitable manner that aligns with applicable standards.
Conflict mediation and facilitation of high-risk, emotional, and/or controversial conversations.